Posted by Adrienne Ronald Bilius Weasley (aka Ron, aka Roonil Wazlib, aka Won-Won) started out as just a kid with dirt on his nose, needing a place to sit on the train. Little did he know that his choice would lead him down a road more exciting … [Read more...]
No, J.K. Rowling. Just…No.
- Posted by Sage Filthy rich and super bored? Why not ignite a ship war in your own fandom? We love Jo Rowling to pieces, obviously. She's the mother of our favorite YA series of all time - a series which we're devoting a huge chunk of Head … [Read more...]
Wanted: A Mad Man with a Box – Head Over Feels casts the 12th Doctor
Posted by Kim and Sage The TV Gods give and they take away. On Saturday the Community fandom rejoiced at the news that Dan Harmon would be returning for season five. Hours later the Whovian nation was rocked by the news that Matt Smith would be … [Read more...]
Ginger Appreciation: A Few of Our Favorite Redheaded Characters
- Posted by Sage Every since FGQ (Flawless Ginger Queen) Christina Hendricks took runner-up in our Sexiest Woman Alive poll, I've been wanting to do a post dedicated to some of our other favorite redheads. Just doing my part to preserve the … [Read more...]