Posted by Maggie It would be naive and offensive to pretend that the SAG Awards were the only or most important thing that happened this weekend. However, as depressing as it is to acknowledge, we’re in for a long four years. We need to pace … [Read more...]
“Fashion is the most powerful art there is.” – Emmy Fashion 2016
Posted by Maggie It was a long summer, devoid of major red carpets with only Louis Tomlinson’s daily trips to Starbucks to sustain us, but the Emmys are finally here. Jimmy Kimmel aside, that was a fun night, right? So many great looks, some … [Read more...]
Vote for the Third Annual Feelies!
Posted by Kim and Sage The great Ron Swanson said that awards are stupid, but they are less stupid when they go to the right people. No disrespect yet ALL the disrespect to the Emmys, but when it comes to television there are WAY shows more shows … [Read more...]
11 Ways San Diego Comic Con 2014 Ruined Our Lives
Posted by Kim and Sage Another San Diego Comic Con, another four days that most of us spend in abject agony, knowing that we're (yet again) missing the fandom event of the year. We know, we know. The Hall H lines are misery. But frankly, a 4am … [Read more...]