Posted by Kim and Sage We have a new Most Handsome Young Man...and your winner is JOHN CHO. That's right, the guy who brought the term "MILF" into our lexicon is now your Most Handsome Young Man. We could not be more … [Read more...]
The Head Over Feels Sexiest Man Alive 2013 – Winners!
Posted by Kim and Sage The readership of Head Over Feels has spoken and we have a new Sexiest Man Alive. And no, People Magazine, it's not Adam Levine. Your Sexiest Man Alive of 2013 is....Sleepy Hollow's Tom Mison!! Let's cue up some … [Read more...]
The 2nd Annual Head Over Feels Sexiest Man Alive Contest
Posted by Kim and Sage Get ready to make some tough decisions. The second annual Head Over Feels Sexiest Man Alive tournament is ON. It's been one year since we crowned the 2012 co-winners (voted by you!), Joel McHale and Adam Scott. Today, we … [Read more...]
The Sexiest Man Alive, Head Over Feels Edition: Winners!
Ladies and gays, prepare yourselves. For the past two days, some of Head Over Feels' favorite men have been in a heated race (mmmm...heated race...) for our own Sexiest Man Alive crown. The campaigning is over, and we're ready to declare our … [Read more...]
The Sexiest Man Alive, Head Over Feels Edition
Posted by Kim It's that time of year again. People just named their Sexiest Man Alive for 2012. And the winner is...Channing Tatum. And we can't really argue with that. After all...Channing gave us all this over the course of 2012: I'll … [Read more...]