Posted by Maggie I’m as intrigued by the details of the Best Picture mix-up as everyone else, but the real mystery is WHO WAS THE GUY ON THE RED CARPET IN THE PINK TUX? Listen, I hurt my wrist trying to pause the TV at just the right angle … [Read more...]
The Resistance Wore Sequins – SAG Fashion 2017
Posted by Maggie It would be naive and offensive to pretend that the SAG Awards were the only or most important thing that happened this weekend. However, as depressing as it is to acknowledge, we’re in for a long four years. We need to pace … [Read more...]
“Fashion is the most powerful art there is.” – Emmy Fashion 2016
Posted by Maggie It was a long summer, devoid of major red carpets with only Louis Tomlinson’s daily trips to Starbucks to sustain us, but the Emmys are finally here. Jimmy Kimmel aside, that was a fun night, right? So many great looks, some … [Read more...]
“On Sundays, we wear white.” – Golden Globes Fashion 2016
Posted by Maggie Everyone welcome back our fashion blogger, Maggie. (Also it's her blogaversary with us, so throw some glitter at her. YAY SPARKLES.) Maggie will once again be your guide through the madness that is Red Carpet Season. What were her … [Read more...]
The Best Performances of 2015
Posted by Kim and Sage Sure, it's 2016 now, but I'm still writing 2015 on my checks and I am still digesting all the great pop culture I took in over the past year, so we're still allowed to talk about what blew us away in 2015. We've already … [Read more...]
“It’s like a totally important designer.” – Emmy Fashion 2015
Posted by Maggie This time last year, Sage and I were delighted to get an email from our friend Maggie in which she broke down every single look from the 2014 Emmys. We did not ask her for this email, she did it because she needed to talk to … [Read more...]